The 'Elite' Business Series

For Business Owners, Managers & Entrepreneurs

What is The ‘Elite’ Business Series ?

The ‘Elite’ Business Series

This ‘Elite’ Business Series of books is one giant case study, showing step by step how I transform a typical pharmaceuticals manufacturing company and its people from ordinary to ‘Elite’. The company is an amalgam of my clients from the US, UK, Europe and the Far East, and what they experienced with me. You’ll look over my shoulder as I work with them, and you can then easily emulate my approach in your own world. It will take effort, courage and dedication to get there, but it’s not rocket science. So, go for it. Enjoy the journey.

Learn More

The Series comprises the following 14 Step eBooks. All are available on Amazon. Click the title for details

Each Step eBook is priced at USD 4.99 – with equivalent in local currency

The One Volume Omnibus Edition, which combines all 14 Steps, is priced at USD 39.99 for the eBook and USD 49.99 for the (b&w) paperback – with equivalent in local currency

Some local prices may be subject to movement depending on currency fluctuations

Check out the full Table of Contents here 


What Can I Help You With?

Step - 1

Build Your ‘Elite’ Foundations

Step - 2

Create Your ‘Elite’ Practical Vision

Step - 3

Sell Your Vision to the Board

Step - 4

Get Your People to Buy In

Step - 5

Create Your ‘Elite’ KPIs

Step - 6

Get Things Right First Time

Step - 7

Become Super Productive

Step - 8

Align Your Support Functions

Step - 9

Create Your ‘Elite’ Supply Chain

Step - 10

Deliver ‘Elite’ Customer Service

Step - 11

Sustain Your ‘Elite’ Benefits

Step - 12

Create an ‘Elite’ Organization

Step -13

‘Elite’ Costing Your Products

Step - 14

Become One of the Ultimate ‘Elite’


The Complete ‘Elite’ Business Series

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