Step 1 - How to Build Your 'Elite' Foundations

Become One of the ‘Elite’

How to Calculate Your Potential Benefits, Build Your ‘Elite’ Foundations – and get them right!

In this Step, I’ll show you how to calculate your potential benefits from an ‘Elite’ business improvement program, both operationally and financially. I’ll also show you how to quickly set up a strategy to achieve them and become more competitive. To beat the competition! 

I’ll also show you how to build a solid foundation for a successful program and why my unique ‘Elite’ approach is so effective in delivering bigger benefits faster.

Follow my lead. Do it yourself. All the info is here. And if you do hit a problem, you can contact me for free by email.  

Check out the Table of Contents under the Bonus Content tab or see the full route map here.

My unique ‘Elite’ approach has been honed over thirty years working with some of the best people in the best companies in the world. It’s quite unlike any other improvement program, and has been limited in the past to those that paid huge consulting fees to access it. Now I’ve retired, I want to make it available to a wider audience in book form.


Even if you think the future for your business is to apply automation, if you don’t get your processes working at ‘Elite’ levels before you do this, you’ll still operate at sub-optimal level. You need to simplify before you automate to get the best solution. And that’s where I come in.

 This series of books is like looking over my shoulder as, step by step, I transform a typical pharma manufacturing company and its people from ordinary to ‘Elite’ within a year. That means where their performance, financial success and reputation become such that other people and businesses in the same market sector want to emulate them. They Beat the Competition!

The company is an amalgam of my clients from the US, UK, Europe and the Far East, and what they experienced with me. But it could be any company anywhere. It could reflect your company going through that same transformation experience. It takes effort and dedication to get there, but it’s not rocket science.

In this Step, I’m visiting the company for the first time, and within a few hours, presenting the senior management team with my assessment of their potential improvement in operating performance, and in profits and working capital, from an ‘Elite’ improvement program. This shows how you can do the same in your business to convince senior staff of the potential riches that await them.

I’ll give you lots of examples and insider tips along the way to make sure you have the best possible chance of success. So, go for it – and enjoy the journey.

Also check out my tip on how to get an instant start today here.

All eBooks in the series and the paperback combined edition are available from Amazon.


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